Frequently Asked Questions
How much with the prizes be?
Right now we are not sure. It all depends on how much money we are able to raise.
Where will the awards be presented?
The University of California at Riverside has kindly offered to host an awards ceremony at their Eaton Conference, which they expect to re-start in 2011 once funding is approved. If that venue is not available we will look for other options.
Will you pay for the winners to attend the ceremony?
No. We thought long and hard about this. It seems to us that many of our winners will come from outside of the USA. Getting them to the ceremony would be expensive, and we would much rather give them money to do with as they please. We will, however, look into webcasting the ceremony and having winners attend virtually.
What is the deadline for UCR to receive entries for the competition?
It is not necessary for authors or publishers to submit works for consideration. Anyone may notify us of a work that they believe to be eligible through our suggestions page.
It is possible that a jury may have to impose a cut-off date late in the year beyond which they will not consider any new works. However, the award rules allow for any work that was not considered in the proper year of eligibility to be rolled over into the subsequent year.