Thank You, Everyone

Our fund raiser is now over. We are delighted to announce that we received a total of $1159.01 from individual donors, and a further $605.00 from various institutions and members of our own Board of Directors. That’s a grand total of $1764.01 — a little way short of our target, but certainly enough to give cash prizes for the inaugural awards. Thank you everyone who donated!

Particular thanks go to the people of Finland who donated far more per head of population than any other country. Canada was second, and Australia third. The largest amount of donations came from the USA. We also received donations from the UK, France, Germany, Mexico and Singapore.

We will be doing the prize draw shortly and expect to announce the winners next week.

Prize Draw: Final Day

Today is the final day of our fund raiser prize draw. You have until midnight (California time) to donate in order to be eligible for a prize. We have had over $1200 donated thus far, and we are hoping we can get a bit closer to our goal of $2000 by the end of the day. As a reminder, here’s the full list of what is on offer:

  • A signed copy of The Graveyard Book donated by Neil Gaiman
  • A signed copy of Finch, donated by Jeff VanderMeer
  • A selection of 5 issues of Weird Tales (including the International issue). Donated by Ann VanderMeer
  • A signed copy of And Now We Are Going to Have a Party by Nicola Griffith ($75 unsigned on Amazon)
  • A copy of the original hardcover of Plan for Chaos by John Wyndham ($85 on Amazon)
  • A signed copy of Evaporating Genres, donated by Gary K. Wolfe
  • A signed copy of the limited edition hardback of The Reality Dysfunction (Subterranean), donated by Peter F. Hamilton
  • Signed copies of Living With Ghosts (DAW) and The Four Musketeers: the true story of d’Artagnan, Porthos, Aramis and Athos, donated by Kari Sperring
  • A selection of 3 SF books translated from Japanese, donated by Nick Mamatas
  • A copy of Pierre Pevel’s The Cardinal’s Blades (translated from French), donated by Pyr Books
  • A copy of Blood Out of a Stone by Élisabeth Vonarburg (translated from French), donated by Nanopress
  • A copy of Joe R. Lansdale’s Flaming Zeppelins: The Adventures of Ned the Seal (Tachyon)

All of the small print is available here, and details of our non-profit status are here.

Final Week, More Prizes

We are entering the final week of our fund raising drive, and we have two very exciting new prizes to add to the list. They are:

From Nicola Griffith, a copy of her memoir, And Now We Are Going to Have a Party. This is not just a memoir though. The boxed set includes the memoir bound in five volumes (including diary entries, photographs, poetry, and early fiction). The box also contains a facsimile of Nicola’s first book (created age 4), a CD of songs by Nicola and her early-’80s punk band, Janes Plane, as well as three scratch-n-sniff cards, a fold-out poster, a letterpressed preface by Dorothy Allison, and a numbered signing sheet. This is a limited edition of 450 signed and numbered box sets and it is going for $75 on Amazon.

From Andy Sawyer at the University of Liverpool we have a copy of the recently discovered John Wyndham novel, Plan for Chaos. This is the book in which Wyndham does Nazi clones long before The Boys from Brazil was thought of. There is a Penguin paperback of this book available, but we have a copy of the University of Liverpool hardcover edition that is $85 on Amazon.

As a reminder, the rest of the prizes are:

  • A signed copy of The Graveyard Book donated by Neil Gaiman
  • A signed copy of Finch, donated by Jeff VanderMeer
  • A selection of 5 issues of Weird Tales (including the International issue). Donated by Ann VanderMeer
  • A signed copy of Evaporating Genres, donated by Gary K. Wolfe
  • A signed copy of the limited edition hardback of The Reality Dysfunction (Subterranean), donated by Peter F. Hamilton
  • Signed copies of Living With Ghosts (DAW) and The Four Musketeers: the true story of d’Artagnan, Porthos, Aramis and Athos, donated by Kari Sperring
  • A selection of 3 SF books translated from Japanese, donated by Nick Mamatas
  • A copy of Pierre Pevel’s The Cardinal’s Blades (translated from French), donated by Pyr Books
  • A copy of Blood Out of a Stone by Élisabeth Vonarburg (translated from French), donated by Nanopress
  • A copy of Joe R. Lansdale’s Flaming Zeppelins: The Adventures of Ned the Seal (Tachyon)

To be eligible for a prize, all you have to do is donate here.

You have until midnight on Friday (January 14th) to donate in order to be eligible for the prize draw. Full details of the promotion are available here and here.

Thank You, SLF!

Our thanks are due to the Speculative Literature Foundation who have pledged an annual grant of $250 to our awards. This will go a long way towards our goal of being able to give cash prizes to the winners. The full press release is available here.

Our fund-raising drive is still going and will continue until January 14th. Additional prizes will be announced early next week.

More Prizes

We are delighted to be able to add some more books to the prize draw in our fund raiser. Firstly Neil Gaiman has confirmed that the book he is donating is his multi-award-winning The Graveyard Book. In addition we have had books donated by Peter F. Hamilton, Kari Sperring and Nanopress, a Canadian small press.

So, as of now the following prizes are on offer:

  • A signed copy of The Graveyard Book donated by Neil Gaiman
  • A signed copy of Finch, donated by Jeff VanderMeer
  • A selection of 5 issues of Weird Tales (including the International issue). Donated by Ann VanderMeer
  • A signed copy of Evaporating Genres, donated by Gary K. Wolfe
  • A signed copy of the limited edition hardback of The Reality Dysfunction (Subterranean), donated by Peter F. Hamilton
  • Signed copies of Living With Ghosts (DAW) and The Four Musketeers: the true story of d’Artagnan, Porthos, Aramis and Athos, donated by Kari Sperring
  • A selection of 3 SF books translated from Japanese, donated by Nick Mamatas
  • A copy of Pierre Pevel’s The Cardinal’s Blades (translated from French), donated by Pyr Books
  • A copy of Blood Out of a Stone by Élisabeth Vonarburg (translated from French), donated by Nanopress
  • A copy of Joe R. Lansdale’s Flaming Zeppelins: The Adventures of Ned the Seal (Tachyon)

Full details of the fund raiser are available in this previous post.

Some Special Thank Yous

Donations are coming in for our fund drive. We are now almost 33% of the way to our target of $2000, and there’s more money promised. We’ll be announcing a few more draw prizes soon, but first we would like to make a few special thank yous.

Firstly we have received a sizable donation from the Science Fiction Foundation in the UK. We are delighted to have support from such a well-respected organization.

And secondly we have been promised a very sizable recurring annual donation from the academic journal, Science Fiction Studies.

Thanks also to the many private individuals who have donated. The only reason we are not mentioning you by name is that we don’t know whether you wish to be mentioned.

A Fund Raiser (with Prizes!)

Running awards doesn’t cost a lot of money. We are fairly self-sufficient, though we are very grateful to CanSMOF (the parent corporation of Anticipation, the 2009 Montréal Worldcon) for donating the money to cover the various filing fees we needed in order to get set up. However, there is one area in which we could do with some money. Next year we will be giving out our very first awards. We would very much like our winners to receive not only glory, but a nice check as well. Translation is not very well paid, despite being a highly skilled task, and many of the authors whose works are eligible would be very grateful for a cash prize as well. So we are going to do some fund raising. There’s a “donate” button in the right-hand sidebar of this website. Please give generously.

In order to make the process of giving a little more interesting, a number of people have kindly donated some prizes to be given to donors selected at random. We’ll be ending the fund raising campaign at midnight on January 14th, 2011. Winners will be notified shortly thereafter.

As of now the following prizes are on offer:

  • A signed copy of a book donated by Neil Gaiman (title to be announced later)
  • A signed copy of Finch, donated by Jeff VanderMeer
  • A selection of 5 issues of Weird Tales (including the International issue). Donated by Ann VanderMeer
  • A signed copy of Evaporating Genres, donated by Gary K. Wolfe
  • A selection of 3 SF books translated from Japanese, donated by Nick Mamatas
  • A copy of Pierre Pevel’s The Cardinal’s Blades (translated from French), donated by Pyr Books
  • A copy of Joe R. Lansdale’s Flaming Zeppelins: The Adventures of Ned the Seal (Tachyon)

More prizes will be added as the fund raising campaign progresses, so keep checking back.

Our initial target is to raise $2000. That would allow us to give prizes of $500 to each winning author and translator. More money would, of course, enable us to give bigger prizes and/or set us up for subsequent years.

For the full rules of the prize give-away, click here.

If you are new here, more information about our organization can be found here; more information about the awards is here; and the list of books and stories being considered for this first set of awards is here.